So Doha has less shops as opposed to Dubai… they may even be really tiny comparatively, but hats off to their services.
Very recently I was travelling to Qatar (I know its not the most exciting country, but duty calls – family duties) for “my partner in crimes” cousins engagement rituals. Yes, for those who are puzzled, Hindus have a ritual for practically everything, including engagements.
We were travelling with my adorably cool maternal grand-ma… when I say cool, I really mean it, but not a smoking/drinking way cool, she is cool by nature… now, she is an old lady (which I never fail to remind her, though she wont accept the fact :p) who has innumerous problems. She is quite active, but lately her knees are giving her hell, which means she cant walk a lot (though she still danced for my cousins mehendi).
Now, coming back to why I feel Doha airport was better than Dubai airport.
1 At Dubai airport when we asked for a wheel-chair it took them AGES to produce one. I mean, aren’t they suppose to be ready for such situations?
2 My grand-ma still took quite long to pass customs/immigration in Dubai, whereas at Doha airport they took her through a separate door, they did their normal checking and the sorts, but didn’t delay her one bit.
3 As soon as we landed Doha I just had to mention to a security person that my granny will need help, and VOILA… it was there within a minute with two helpers. One maneuvering the wheel-chair and the second for take care of her documents and luggage.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Doha Airport Personnel for helping my old old granny… you will be truly blessed by her as she is a strict Vaishnav and prays for everyone around her J