By now I'm damn sure this subject has been covered by many. However, I don’t mean to say anything good or bad about the metro service… because no matter what people say, it’s the most useful God-blessed service for me (I don’t drive). Anyway, this is about the chandelier hanging on at the Khalid Bin Al Waleed Station. Has no one ever noticed it? As I seem to recall, of all that I read about the Dubai metro, no one commented on its interior decoration… rather unbelievable! In any case, below is a snap I took from my phone. Unfortunately, it’s not as clear as required, nor is it detailed to my satisfaction, but it’ll have to do for now… My first thought, first image to my mind, as soon as I saw the chandelier was – a bunch of used hanging condoms… am I not spot on? Look closely… Well, on doing some research I learnt that they were trying to depict a jelly fish… only it looks more like a bunch of used-n-abused condoms!
A whole lot of non-sensical trash