If you ever want to be talked about similar to a prostitute, I’d suggest that person to be work as a freelancer for an event management company. You’ll be referred to as a price tag and called upon based on availability and need! As much as there is a downside… which, mind you, is way stronger than the up side can ever be… there happens to be a few good ups to being a freelancer as well! Let me get into the details of it in a while. I’m writing this whilst working at an event in the Go Dolphin Ballroom of Emirates Towers. The entrance roof is made of glass… can you even begin to imagine what an idiot must the architect have been to make a glass roof in Dubai? And an even bigger idiot is the man who approved the glass finishing! As much as its pretty, did they just conveniently forget that Dubai is, in reality, a desert? Oh well, I’ll just mark that one as one of the downs of working as a freelancer! Now to really sell off the up side of working as a freelancer...
A whole lot of non-sensical trash