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Showing posts from 2017

Random Thought #5

I do not believe my existence is to serve my parents. I am there if they need me, but their hold on me ended when I became an adult. They imparted all the wisdom they could, and now I am to make my own path...

Random Thought #4

During one of many mundane conversations with a friend, we stumbled upon the topic of people being judgmental.  Won't bore myself by even attempting to recall the details, but here's me sharing a summarized conclusion of that discussion.  Your choices are for you to understand and others to judge.  If it's in ones core nature to be judgmental, no matter what you say or how much you justify, they'll continue to judge you. But if it's not in their core nature to be judgmental, then no matter what you do, they won't.  It's just a lengthy yet acceptable way of saying fuck 'em.  Sent from my iPhone

Random Thought #1

I’m going to start a series of random thoughts… since they are random, I cannot guarantee how often these will appear.  Here’s one to get started Random Thought #1: Spent an hour bitching to my ex and realized it is so much easier to gossip with an ex as opposed to someone new in your life. For the simple reason that your ex already knows whom you are talking (in this case bitching) about, there's no need to explain anything in terms of background story, cause he knows it all, and to top it all, through trial and error, he pretty much knows exactly what to tell me too.